Technical analysis for conventional energetics
Deep understanding of power systems and energy markets, combined with modeling them within High Performance Computing, allows us to offer a vast variety of analytical services:
- analysis of the influence of EU directives (e.g. IED – Industrial Emissions Directive) on the economy and energy stakeholders, evaluating profits and losses of de-/commissioning power units, as well as its impact on power balance and power system's stability;
- economic and technical analysis of introducing the zonal market in the UCTE system, including various zonal configurations – evaluation of zonal prices, flow directions and other variables relevant for the stakeholders;
- economic and technical analysis of introducing „Projects of Common Interest", e.g. development of cross-border connections or pumped-storage water power plants;
- solving the unit commitment problem for the purposes of the day-ahead and the balancing markets – evaluation of profits and losses;
- development of methods for the analysis of various energy and power markets, evaluation of stakeholders' profits and risks;
- quantitative analysis of the impact of renewable energy sources (RES), DSR (Demand Side Response) solutions, prosumers' sector expansion as well as the EU strategy of reducing the emission of CO2;
- optimization of the energy mix development process, including the interdependencies between legislation, resources' prices and configuration of zonal market; preparation of expert opinions on energy and climate related policies;
- optimal development of the generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure, including localization of new transformers, generation units and transmission lines (both intra- and inter-zonal);
- developing models for the prediction of technical (e.g. power flow) and economic (e.g. energy prices) variables, based on statistical analysis of market related data, utilizing machine learning and artificial intelligence.